Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Bevan do thee wed Charla Charrano?

So this weekend we are going to Arizona to attend my brothers wedding (Jamie's).
Rich is sun burnt from helping out with football camp and hanging with the coaches at Canyon view High (where he coached last year). I have been zipping around on my bike everywhere in town. I have driven my car about twice in the last two weeks.

Rich is still playing basketball in the wee early hours of the morning with the old guys. We have been eating breakfast and spending more time out on our patio listening to the birds and the occasional loud lawnmower. I am still commuting to St. George every other weekend for school until May 2009 (urghhhh)!


Anonymous said...

You go girl! I rode my bike with the kids to the library. I pull Henry and Ellen and it wore me out. My poor knee hurt the whole next day. It's awesome that you are biking. Sorry about the commute. Hope to see you two soon. Come have a Wii racing night with us!

sachiko said...

How goes the job hunt? There's going to be lots of openings at WMH! (you know you want to) I'm still waiting on pictures of your midnight haircut... come on Beckham, show us your stuff!

Shana Lynn said...

What a cute couple!!! Love & Miss you Jamie

Oveson's said...

I love the photo!!! They make such a cute couple. Thanks for sharing. By the way I laughed sooooo hard at the he hates I love tidbit!! love it. Hope you guys are doing great!!